Monday, March 21, 2011

'Our great mother does not take sides Jake. She protects only the balance of life.'

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General Concept 

Life’s decisions are continuously made upon judgmental views.  The way these views are weighed out and determined is by a person’s perspective.  The movie Avatar demonstrates one of the most basic and common perspectives that many people living in today’s day carry out. Riches and materialistic wealth heavily surpass the value of life and nature. Throughout this entire film there will be subliminal messages about the undisposed respect for nature lining the plot of this story. This was instilled to subconsciously effect the way you think or see things. Some of these messages are more obvious than others; I want to bring attention to a few.

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Observing as a student, Jake learns that "they have a deep connection to the forest; a network of energy that flows through all living things.” Nothing is taken for granted and every thing is appreciated. They don’t kill for sport, nonchalantly, or aggressively. They kill cautiously and swiftly with positive intent, assumed to preserve the animals as much as possible.  During the scene where Jake has made his first kill, once the animal has been struck, he quickly rushes to it’s side to quickly end it’s suffering. Simultaneously he professes his appreciation saying things like "I see you Brother and thank you.  Your spirit flows with Eywa; your body stays behind to become one with the people." This was done with the acknowledgment that he would still be recognized under Eywa, that he was not killed out of recklessness, and his sacrifice will be for a better cause. 

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Modern Thought

Much like in Jakes powerful last speech amongst the people, he addresses issues relevant to the way we live now. He addresses how we’re under the impression that we can take whatever we want and no one can stop us.  This isn’t the case. This world is not ours to destruct.  Neytiri begins to break down explanations of the how to go about the ecology of things, she mentions that “All energy is only borrowed; one day you’ll have to give it back”
This is in reference to the readings of Leopold “Thinking like a Mountain” because they also believe in the strong rotation of the cycle of life and nature in it’s entirety.  They know not to mistaken their place; they don’t take things out of order.  They realize that it’s a world they’re able to live in but not in control.  That is exactly the point that superficial people forget.  I believe the scene I’m about to post can refrain specifically back to when the boy looked into the deep emerald green eyes of the dying wolf and reached a point of realization.

Avatar - Drama scene from Igor Kubo on Vimeo.

It’s like we’re draining the life out of Mother Nature slowly, and her love isn’t unconditional. We cannot keep taking from her without putting back in.  I would like to close my post with my last quote from the Movie:

“I’m probably just talking to a tree right now, but if you’re there, I need to give you a heads up. If Grace is with you look into her memories. See the world we come from.  There’s no green there. They killed their mother and they’re going to do the same here. They’re going to come like a rain that never ends, unless we stop them. “

--Morgan Farruya


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